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Certified Family Law Specialist in Orange County

How the Pandemic Is Making It Easier for Couples to Divorce


The Coronavirus has increased the divorce rate across the United States. The truth is that couples are spending more time together than they normally do, which heightened their preexisting relationship problems. If a couple was struggling before the pandemic, being together nonstop has most likely continued to stir the pot. According to multiple divorce statistics, 70% of divorces were filed after the couple admitted their relationship was rocky for years. While the pandemic has not directly been the leading cause of divorce, it is speeding up the process for many.

Divorces Moved Forward at a Faster Rate

While many courthouses closed or remained open for online cases only, it appeared that obtaining a divorce would be difficult. Many courts saw an increase in divorce cases and well as post-divorce modifications such as child custody, visitation, and spousal support. It appeared that filing for divorce during the pandemic would almost prove impossible; however, the opposite happened.

Couples started to work together, became more willing to negotiate, and fought less. So, what is the reason for this miracle? Before the Coronavirus, getting a divorce was a lengthy and time-consuming process. However, due to temporary changes to the law – thank you social distancing – many courthouses have made it easier to get divorced during this time. Now, you can get divorced while at home in your pajamas from behind your computer screen. Some ways that the courts have accomplished this include the following:

  • Allowing forms to be e-filed
  • Permitting e-signatures (no need to meet up with your spouse in person)
  • Approving divorce settlement agreements without requiring the couples’ presence in court

While those couples waiting for a court date did have to deal with delays, many also turned to other forms of alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, since it made sense given that they really had no other option. For other couples looking for a more amicable resolution, getting divorced proved to be easier than they thought. Many were able to get divorced at a faster rate than they could have before the pandemic.

Lawyers Stepped Up to Help Along the Way

While not every couple can resolve their disputes on their own, they do have legal professionals willing to help. Lawyers and mediators quickly stepped up their game and started offering services online. This proved effective for many reasons. First, many couples felt more comfortable discussing the details of their divorce from the comfort of their own homes. Second, it was easier for couples to negotiate more amicably by not having to interact with their spouse in person. Third, it allowed couples to pick when they wanted to discuss their divorce options and negotiate.

Still Considering Divorce Amidst the Pandemic? Call Us Today.

As certified family law specialists, our firm has the expertise and skill to help you navigate your divorce with ease. We also adapted during the Coronavirus pandemic to best support our clients and offer online and phone services. If you and your spouse came to the realization during quarantine that you should get divorced, you are not alone. We have worked with multiple couples who have felt the same way. Contact us today to schedule your first, complimentary 15-minute consultation.

Reach out online or call our office via (949) 577-7935 to speak with an experienced attorney on our team.
